A none-too-fond glance back at calendar year twenty-oh-ten:
- Courses taught: 4
- Students taught: 206
- Number of undergraduates among them: 191
- Number of those undergraduates older than my cat: 3
- Amount of respect I can have for students born after 1990: 0
- Plagiarists busted: 3
- New books published in hardback: 2
- Old books published in paperback: 2
- Old books published in audiobook format: 1
- Highest Amazon.com ranking for any of those books: 110
- Lowest Amazon.com ranking for any of those books: 4,959,391
- Articles published: 6
- Book reviews published: 12
- Journal volumes published: 1
- Articles and reviews edited, copy edited, and proofread: 71
- Typescripts of new books delivered to publishers: 1
- Single-spaced pages of notes accumulated for the next trade project: 574
- New book contracts received: 2
- Nights in which I got an adequate amount of sleep: 0
- Conferences attended: 6
- Presentations delivered: 3
- Estimated expense of travel, lodging, and registration at these conferences: $1,600
- Conference trips paid for, in whole or in part, by Rutgers: 0
- Amount spent on two taxi rides in a single week in April: $395
- Expert opinions delivered in legal cases: 2
- Radio interviews to flog The Lexicographer's Dilemma: 5
- Letters of recommendation written: 22
- Letters written for promotion and tenure cases: 4
- Anonymous referee's reports on scholarly books: 7
- Anonymous referee's reports on scholarly articles: 11
- Hours wasted in pointless committee service: 1.3 x 1024
- Visits to hospital emergency rooms: 3
- Encounters with boneheaded doctors who made my condition far worse, in one case requiring an additional trip to the emergency room: 2
- Tracks newly added to my iPod: 10,012
- Number of days it would take to hear those songs, listening around the clock: 28.5
- Estimated ounces of tea drunk: 4,380
- Estimated milligrams of pure caffeine in that tea: 46,538
- Estimated ounces of wine drunk: 2,950
- Estimated ounces of pure alcohol in that wine: 369
- Number of Four Lokos it would take to get the same buzz, for caffeine and alcohol respectively: 298, 128
- Inadequately acknowledged ripoffs of Harper's Index: 1